Square: 6,051 Km2
Population: 1.502 millions
Average temperature: 26°C - 280C
Administrative map includes 10 outside districts and Qui Nhon city
Area phone code: 056.
Minority: Viet, Cham, Bana.
Located in the seashore of the central land, the province has more than 100 km of coastal line and diversified features of terrain that of mountainous and borders area, delta and alluvial ground. Annual raining level of region is from 1,700 to 1,800 mm and mainly in the period of August to December, counting for 80% of total. Transport in and from province is comfortable with infrastructure of national highway No. 1, national highway No. 19 connects Qui Nhon city to provinces in highlands. Especially, there is a major harbor in the city that operates for the whole of southern middle region. Binh Dinh, the name sounds to Vietnamese as a land of martial arts and the homeland of King Quang Trung, who had defeated 290,000 of invading troops of Thanh Kingdom to reunite the nation. Also, it is a cradle for the performance styling as Tuång and still remained the drumming arts as it was in the past.